Stop Fish Bombing USA

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Sabah Parks Officially Recognizes SFB’s Efforts

Sabah Parks officially recognized Stop Fish Bombing efforts in protecting marine parks in Kota Kinabalu and Semporna in the state of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, where the fish blast detection and location system is deployed.

The Responder mobile app that displays fish blast location was provided to the park and resulted in the first capture by marine police of 2 blasters in response to an SFB alert.

Sabah Parks acknowledged that the sensors assist in data collection to learn Fish Bomber patterns of activity that enables targeted enforcement action.



In all respects the above matters are referred to. Mr. and Mr. Nasrulhakim Maidin on February 06ZZ2A is relevant.

2. As you are aware, the issue of fish-bombing activity around Kota Kinabalu waters has been intensely discussed on social media. At the same time, on behalf of Sabah Parks to be more efficient in addressing and addressing this issue, we need data the main location and the highlight of the illegal activity.

3. Therefore, we invite you to present the data of the blast detector that has been installed by your company around the waters of Taman Tunku Abdul Rahman in accordance with the following rules;

Date: February 12, 2O20

Time: 9.30 am

Venue: 3rd Floor Library, Headquarters Office

4. It is hoped that your presence will assist in providing input and sharing of data to Sabah Parks especially in addressing this issue.

Thank you.


Deputy Director ll (Research & Innovation) of Sabah Parks